开发Jira应用程序:如何Designing a Usability Test 

如何Designing a Usability Test

可用性测试是设计任何产品或应用程序的关键步骤. 对于mg官方游戏中心开发清晰的路径的团队来说 , Designing a Usability Test是这个过程中非常重要的一部分. 因为mg官方游戏中心的Jira应用程序是一个从头开始开发的新应用程序, there was even more of a need to understand the user experience and improvements that could be made based on user feedback. 在进行测试之前, designing the 可用性 test is equally important to ensure you are receiving the information that would help make your product better.

在Designing a Usability Test脚本时, there was discussion about whether to use a 可用性 test or user acceptance test (UAT). 尽管这些类型的测试可以互换使用, 他们之间有需要考虑的差异. 成为一款新应用, it was a question for our team on whether to do 可用性 测试 or user acceptance 测试. 那么,这两种测试的区别是什么呢?

User Acceptance Testing vs. Usability Testing

User Acceptance Testing is performed to ensure that a product or application meets certain users' standards and requirements. 它的重点是验证产品是否按预期工作和功能, 而不是检查用户体验. 用户验收测试在可用性测试之前完成, and aims to answer the question of “Did the application solve the problems it intended to solve?“设计用户验收测试需要目标受众中的用户, and gathering opinions of users that have some sort of contextual knowledge of the problems being solved. UAT使用基于场景的测试进行, 用户在哪里必须完成许多任务才能完成场景. User Acceptance Testing’s name does describe the main goal behind it: is this an application that the user will accept?

可用性测试  是否关心用户的易用性和整体用户体验. 它旨在收集用户反馈并识别任何潜在的可用性问题. 经常 there is a script with different “tasks” for a user to complete to identify potential pain points and areas of improvement for the product or application. 可用性测试侧重于更具体、更小的任务. 假设用户体验设计师已经完成了用户验收测试, 可用性 测试 follows up with the question “How well did the application solve the problems it intended to?可用性测试衡量的是解决方案的质量, 即使用户验收测试认为它被用户“接受”. 可用性测试 is generally the type of 测试 used for UX designers and researchers. For some applications, it can be assumed that the users already accepted/used an application. This is why it is important to test how well the application is performing and the experience of the users.

Our Experience

正如您所看到的,这些类型的测试彼此非常相似. 有时它们甚至可以互换使用或相互串联使用. Our team had a couple of collaborative discussions on what we felt would be the best direction to go to understand the user experience the best. mg官方游戏中心决定设计一个可用性测试, because we felt pretty good that 清晰的路径 was solving common problems in Jira to differentiate it from other apps. mg官方游戏中心选择专注于可用性测试, 因为mg官方游戏中心想要衡量效率, 效率, 以及mg官方游戏中心解决问题的方式带来的用户满意度. 因为清晰的路径是一个SaaS产品, we knew to achieve our goal of high user adoption and retention from our free trials we needed to ensure the product delighted our user base with its ease of use.

The Importance of Usability Testing

There are many reasons why 可用性 测试 matters and is so important for any project or application. 用户体验设计师经常被提醒“你不是用户”这句话。. 这是一个需要记住的重要短语, 因为即使一个设计对设计师来说很有意义, 这并不意味着用户将获得良好的体验. 这也是用户体验设计的全部目标, making sure that your application provides the best user experience to the widest range of users. 这对于早期发现问题也很重要. 想象一下,有人在校对你写的论文时发现了一个语法错误, 即使你没有注意到. 可用性测试也是如此. 经常, we are too close to the design and a fresh pair of eyes can help us find things we would have never noticed.

Designing a Usability Test

这就引出了如何Designing a Usability Test的话题.  There are many steps and best practices that need to be implemented to design a successful 可用性 test. 用户体验设计师通常会首先创建一个包含测试目标的“脚本”, 用户任务, 以及任何与考试目标相关的具体问题. 我将介绍Designing a Usability Test的一些步骤. 这并不包括执行或测试后的步骤.


  • 规划可用性测试是最重要的一步. The UX designer and any other team members involved in user 测试 want to make sure that the plan is detailed and in line with 测试 goals. 清除路径, we primarily had a single developer , a product owner, and a UX designer. 这让mg官方游戏中心更容易组建团队并获得反馈.

  • 确定测试目标是可用性测试计划中非常重要的一部分. 这将有助于团队继续进行测试, 确保他们从可用性测试中获得最大收益. mg官方游戏中心在《MG游戏登录网页》中使用的一些示例目标是:应用的痛点是什么, 或者应用程序的哪些部分可以改进? 虽然这些目标可以更普遍, mg官方游戏中心的团队知道mg官方游戏中心认为用户会说的痛点是什么. 有了这个,mg官方游戏中心可以创建任务或问题,看看这对用户来说是否正确.

  • 与计划一起来的还有测试的后勤工作. 在这一点上,回答了谁,什么,何时,何地,为什么? 问题. 清除路径, we found internal employees that could complete the tests at their work locations.


  • 清除路径, mg官方游戏中心的日程安排很紧凑, mg官方游戏中心选择在开发MVP后进行可用性测试. 正因为如此,mg官方游戏中心不必担心创建Figma原型. 然而, you want to make sure that for any 可用性 test there is a live or prototyped version of what you are 测试 so users can move through the test with more ease.

  • It is important to ask users general 问题, such as “How do you feel about this page?” But it is important to have “tasks” for the user to complete that can help your team understand the user’s ease of use and 可用性 issues within an application. 重要的是,这些任务必须足够通用, 所以他们不是主要用户, 但也要足够具体,让用户知道该去哪里.

  • 清除路径, we have tasks such as “Show me how you would go about visualizing a release.” It is a broad task but shows us how a user would truly go about this and can reveal information that you might not have been aware of. 如果用户无法完成任务,您可以随时帮助他们, 这将揭示普通用户可能存在可用性问题.

  • 当涉及到任务时, a big part of this is making sure the user does not feel “tested” on their own abilities or feel bad for not “successfully” completing a task. It is important to let the user know beforehand that we are 测试 the application, and not them. 任务结束后, there are usually follow up 问题 that will wrap up the user’s overall experience and feelings about the application.


  • 对于清晰的路径,mg官方游戏中心知道mg官方游戏中心的工具是为使用Jira的用户设计的. 在mg官方游戏中心的组织中,主要用户将是产品所有者. 然而, 其他技术和业务角色也使用Jira, 因此,获得多样化的用户群非常重要.

  • 在计划可用性测试时,你可能还没有开始招募用户. 然而, it is still important to have an idea of who the users could be and where you could find them. 最好找到至少5个用户来做可用性测试. 数字5在统计上是显著的, 使用5个不同的用户,你的可用性问题会在哪里出现. 

  • 有时,您可能无法针对特定类型的用户进行规划, but generally it would be best to try and find people who have some contextual knowledge but also some with no background knowledge of your application. 这将提供一个整体的用户池,并允许更全面的结果.


  • 甚至在可用性测试的设计部分, 重要的是要意识到结果将如何转化. 测试可以是定量的,也可以是定性的. 定量测试以数字和统计为基础. 定性测试更抽象,但同样重要. 两种方法都是有效的, 但重要的是要意识到这一点,这样你才能从你的结果中得到最大的收获.  

Important Things to Remember for Designing a Usability Test


  • 可用性测试的准备和计划将使测试更成功. 目标和目的必须明确, and this will lead to an understanding of the user experience and allow for the overall success of your product.


  • 对于任何UX项目,不仅仅是测试,协作是关键. 重要的是,团队成员,如产品负责人, 用户体验团队, 开发人员都可以在用户测试上进行协作. 这不仅有助于整个团队理解正在发生的事情, but each person can offer fresh perspectives on the design of the 可用性 test and potential tasks to be included.


  • The main thing to remember when designing a 可用性 test is that it is to better understand the user and the user’s experience. Being able to understand the users and get the most amount of feedback and experience with them will ultimately lead to a better product as well as a better user experience.

联系 MG游戏登录网页 了解更多信息.


Morgan Is a UX Designer for MG游戏登录网页 where she has developed apps for multiple industries and clients over the past year. 她在用户体验设计、用户体验研究和人机交互理论方面拥有丰富的技能和经验.



