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As we've seen through recent events and ongoing societal issues, mg官方游戏中心很容易呆在自己的舒适区,和那些和mg官方游戏中心长得很像或有相似社会和经济背景的人在一起. 然而, we know that this behavior can perpetuate discrimination and inequality. As a Gandhi once said, “Be the change you want to see.这意味着扩大你的影响圈,积极与那些与你长相不同或来自同一经济圈子的人建立关系是很重要的.

一般信息 莫泽技术 一般信息 莫泽技术

Important Announcement: End of Support for Atlassian Server Products - Take Action Now!

Attention all Atlassian users and enthusiasts! We have a crucial update that you need to be aware of. On February 15, 2024 PT, Atlassian will be discontinuing support for its Server products. This means that the current versions of their products will no longer receive technical support, 安全更新, 或者在此日期之后修复错误. 但这对你意味着什么?

数据和分析服务 莫泽技术 数据和分析服务 莫泽技术

利用数据的力量 & 分析 to Boost Efficiency and Results for Grant-Making Organizations

资助组织一直在寻找改进其工作流程和结果的方法. 许多组织使用像Fluxx这样的软件产品来组织他们的拨款授予过程,结果好坏参半. 虽然这些产品很有用, 它们通常缺乏报告功能,而这些功能可以提供一个更完整的关于组织的资助以及它们在过程中所处位置的视图. That's where Moser Data and 分析 experts come in. Our experts can connect your grant-making software data with data from other sources, 包括调查结果, 人力资源软件, 会计软件, 和更多的. 结果是深远的, and will help to optimize your business processes, 节省时间, 确定偏差, and provide centralized data and reporting. 

核心技术服务 莫泽技术 核心技术服务 莫泽技术

Professional and Staff Augmentation Solutions

在当今充满活力的商业世界, companies need technology support 服务 that enable them to scale quickly, 响应市场趋势, 保持竞争力. MG游戏登录网页有几个部门为企业提供各种技术解决方案, with one of their divisions being the 核心技术服务 Division. 该司的一个部门为短期至中期项目提供专业技术服务,并为长期项目提供人员扩充. mg官方游戏中心将深入研究这个部门的产品,并探索潜在的增长领域,在那里它可以成为企业的资产.

业务服务 莫泽技术 业务服务 莫泽技术

创造数字资产 & 兼容的可访问性

数字公平有助于确保所有个人和社区都拥有充分参与社会所需的信息技术能力, 民主, 和经济. 与此同时, accessibility refers to the practice of ensuring that products, 服务, 信息, 而且技术的设计和实施方式允许所有个人以同样的方便和有效的方式访问和使用它们. It involves removing obstacles and providing accommodations to ensure inclusivity, 确保每个人, regardless of their situation or abilities, can participate fully and independently in our digital world.

业务服务 莫泽技术 业务服务 莫泽技术

Unlocking Business Success: The Benefits of Business Analysis and Technical Writing

Running a successful business requires more than just passion and drive. It is crucial to have a clear understanding of your organization's strengths, 弱点, and opportunities to make informed decisions that help achieve long-term success. This is where business analysis and technical writing come in. 通过与Moser咨询公司合作, 企业可以利用经验丰富的业务分析师的专业知识,他们可以帮助确定需要改进的领域, 简化操作, 推动增长. 在这篇博文中, mg官方游戏中心将讨论业务分析和技术写作的好处,以及为什么企业必须考虑这些服务.

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The realm of data and analytics has been undergoing a profound transformation in recent years, and at the core of this revolution lies Artificial Intelligence (AI). 人工智能以前所未有的速度处理大量数据并发现有价值的见解的能力重塑了行业,加速了全球的进步. 在这篇博文中, we explore how AI is taking over data and analytics, 彻底改变mg官方游戏中心的聚会方式, 解释, 利用信息.

人工智能革新数据和分析的主要方式之一是通过其先进的数据收集能力. 传统上, data collection was a time-consuming and labor-intensive process, 而是使用人工智能工具, data can now be gathered more efficiently, 准确地, 并且是实时的.

莫泽技术 莫泽技术


In a world increasingly reliant on digital 信息, 利用和解释数据的能力是保持竞争优势的一个关键方面. This is where 蜂窝 分析 comes in. mg官方游戏中心提供全面的解决方案,旨在将您的数据集中到一个可用且可靠的平台上, providing analytics at your fingertips. mg官方游戏中心的系统旨在为那些更需要可消费数据而不是复杂平台和集成的客户减少实现价值的时间. 利用数据分析技术的力量,快速做出明智的决策,并通过面向数据的战略实现业务方法的现代化,从而获得成功. New insights can be found in even the most familiar places, and these insights might be the key to your business staying ahead in today's fast-paced markets.

业务服务, 学习服务 莫泽技术 业务服务, 学习服务 莫泽技术


We’ve heard it said “it’s a seller’s market”, 但在这个时代, I believe we are in a “candidate’s market”. 求职者希望从雇主那里获得最大的福利和灵活性,而在寻找优秀求职者时,竞争非常激烈. Afterall, if we find a candidate that fits, we want to keep them!

莫泽技术 莫泽技术

在RHEL 8上安装Canvas-LMS.x

Since the beginning of the Covid-19 crisis, 就像生活的大多数方面一样, learning and education have had to adapt, 通过必要性, 远程访问. 在那个领域, Canvas-LMS(来自infrastructure)显然保持着通过远程渠道提供教育内容的首选套件的领先地位, be it from elementary schools up through universities and even corporate training.

Instructure does offer hosted Canvas solutions, 为可能没有技术人员或与公共和私营企业相同的严格控制的安全要求的组织提供交钥匙访问, 哪一个更有可能在本地或云“硬件”上部署Canvas系统. infrastructure的主要支持文档描述了在MacOS (OS X)或基于ubuntu的Linux发行版上安装Canvas-LMS的路径. 然而, Canvas-LMS is a complex suite; challenging to install even for experienced Systems Administrators and Developers and requiring a narrow list of supporting framework versions that may no longer be "default" packages in the current repositories ("repos"). There are also a healthy number of un-affiliated sites with their own "how-to" on installing Canvas; but again, these are focused on Debian-based installs.

This article, though, is about the path less taken: Canvas-LMS on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8. (请关注本文的后续修订,以调整这些步骤以便在Alma或Rocky上安装.)

