


随着网络事件的不断增加, it is becoming abundantly clear that cybersecurity is one of the most critical business services available. 以确保稳健和全面的保护, companies must regularly audit their existing digital security infrastructure and pursue protective measures like purchasing cyber insurance.

根据最近的一份报告 Statista, nearly 15 million data records were exposed worldwide through data breaches during the third quarter of 2022. Statista 报告称,在美国,数据泄露的平均成本为9美元.2022年将达到4400万,比2021年大幅增加. 此外,每次数据泄露的全球平均成本上升至4美元.2022年3500万. 


  • 网络安全内部风险评估的基本原理

  • 什么是网络保险以及网络保险是如何运作的

  • 为什么网络保险在当今日益数字化的工作世界中至关重要

  • 网络保险评估流程是什么样的

  • Moser如何帮助您浏览并获得网络保险资格


Conducting a cybersecurity assessment is the first step in determining your ability to protect sensitive data and information systems from various attacks. Different from a threat assessment in cybersecurity — which reviews threats as they are detected — risk assessments are meant to analyze a wide range of 潜在的 邪恶的事件, 预测每次事故会造成多大的损害, 并推荐预防方法. 




  • 过时的技术

  • 远程员工的安全漏洞

  • 薄弱的网络安全协议和整体战略 

  • 对员工的网络安全教育不足

  • 缺乏对移动设备的防御


  • 钓鱼式攻击

  • 勒索软件和恶意软件

  • 单独黑客和网络犯罪组织

  • 数据泄露

  • 内部威胁

要了解更多关于网络安全风险以及如何应对这些风险的信息, 阅读本综合指南 来自美国国家标准与技术研究院(NIST).


根据资讯系统审核及控制协会(ISACA),网络安全风险评估不是一次性的事情. 作为最佳实践, ISACA recommends that comprehensive enterprise security risk assessments be completed once every two years at minimum. Each assessment should conduct a deep dive into your organization’s information systems in order to unearth all possible risks.

关于如何进行网络安全风险评估的其他资源可以在 ISACA网站. 对于美国的具体标准,你应该复习一下 NIST的指导方针 进行风险评估.



与任何形式的保险一样,网络保险的目的是在遭受攻击后提供支持. This support can ease the financial burden that comes along with digital security incidents or problems with IT infrastructure that are out of your control. 一些值得注意的网络保险好处包括:

  • 法律指导和支持

  • 支持数字法医调查 

  • 协助恢复被盗数据

  • 支持恢复受损客户的身份

  • 直接接通违规热线 


In today’s market, t在这里 are two types of cyber insurance available; third-party and first-party. 每种类型都提供不同的覆盖范围和独特的网络保险条款. 这取决于你的业务需要, 你的可用预算, 你可以选择一种或两种保险.  

第三方网络覆盖 一般来说,如果第三方向你提出索赔,可以保护你的企业免于承担责任. 这种类型的计划通常包括以下项目:

  • 支付给受影响客户的款项

  • 索赔和和解费用

  • 诽谤的损失

  • 诉讼费用

  • 应对监管调查的成本

  • 结算费用 

  • 会计费用

第一方网络覆盖 是否用于保护您的业务免受网络攻击和数据泄露的财务后果. 这类保单通常包括以下费用:

  • 违约后产生的费用和罚款

  • 法律顾问

  • 查找和替换丢失的数据

  • 弥补业务中断造成的利润损失

  • 公关与危机管理 

  • 敲诈勒索的成本


简而言之,是的,购买网络保险完全值得投资. 比如风险评估和其他网络安全实践, 网络保险已成为各行各业许多业务活动的基本要求. 

对信息系统的攻击不可避免地会发生. 尽管坚持网络安全最佳实践可以显著降低违规风险, 这些措施不能确保对所有威胁提供万无一失的保护. 认为网络罪犯很容易被智胜,这是一个严重的错误. 现代网络犯罪包括 高度有组织的 国际行动往往涉及几个坏人的合作. 考虑到这些组织有多强大, 企业最好采取一切可用的预防和保护措施, 包括网络保险. 

什么是网络保险评估? 它们与网络安全风险评估有何不同?

A cyber insurance assessment is quite similar to a risk assessment in that they both are designed to identify cybersecurity gaps and areas of concern within your company’s IT infrastructure. 另外, 两者都会评估公司的协议, 员工的过程, 以及精确定位任何潜在风险的技术. 然而,这些评估有三个关键的区别. 

  1. 在您购买网络保险之前,您的保险提供商会进行网络保险评估, 而网络安全风险评估是在内部重复进行的. 

  2. 网络保险评估的目标不同于网络安全风险评估. Cybersecurity risk assessments are meant to provide insight into the overall health of an organization’s digital security infrastructure. Cyber insurance assessments are only used to help insurers determine if organizations have taken necessary steps to strengthen their security framework before a policy is issued. 

  3. 网络风险评估的结果旨在提供纯粹的信息. Cyber insurance assessments function to help the insurer decide if coverage should be denied or approved.

在当今的环境下,许多组织发现很难获得网络保险. 根据一份来自 CNBC, the significant rise in cyber crimes has caused cyber insurance companies to limit coverage and increase premiums exponentially. 简而言之, 保险公司变得更加谨慎, 而对网络保险的需求激增——将许多公司推向了一个进退两难的境地. 


因为网络保险的现状, many businesses do not possess the technology or cybersecurity know-how to qualify for complete coverage from any cyber insurance provider. 尽管任何公司都可以购买网络保险, coverage for specific areas could be denied if the insurer determines that the company is not using the correct tools or following the insurance company’s recommended security best practices. Much of this can be easily overlooked by business leaders since cyber insurance policies are often dense and difficult to understand. 

帮助公司获得全额保险, Moser offers a cyber insurance readiness review to ensure that all policy requirements are understood and met. 此外,Moser将促进有关所需覆盖范围和适当限制的讨论. mg官方游戏中心的评估允许组织:



Review gaps or overages that exist in a current policy (if the company already has a cyber insurance policy) icon

Review gaps or overages that exist in a current policy (if the company already has a cyber insurance policy)

Ensure that all requirements are properly deployed to meet the cyber insurance provider’s specifications icon

Ensure that all requirements are properly deployed to meet the cyber insurance provider’s specifications

Our assessment process can apply to companies looking to acquire cyber insurance coverage for the first time, 对那些有现行政策的人也是如此. 如果你的公司目前没有保险, Moser will conduct a pre-application assessment to verify what you need to put in place to successfully apply and receive the full benefits of your policy. 

如果你的公司已经购买了网络保险, 这项政策正在接受审查, 那么莫泽也能帮上忙. mg官方游戏中心将阅读你们的政策, pull the requirements and document them and determine if your business remains compliant or if adjustments need to be made in order for you to retain coverage. 最后, the insights gleaned from our cyber insurance readiness review can help you determine if it would benefit your company to pursue a new cyber insurance policy all together. 


The cybersecurity assessment template for insurance below explains how Moser will assess your readiness or evaluate your existing policy.

  • 进入面试与客户会面,讨论当前的问题和关切,以确定业务范围.  

  • 文档评审审查现有的网络保险政策、相关客户文件、系统或配置. 审查现有文件和系统/配置,为获取网络保险做准备.

  • 初步文件审核后与客户面谈讨论与新的或现有的网络保险相关的潜在发现或问题. 在生成报告之前,记录任何未解决的问题或未解决的问题. 

  • 详细的网络保险报告: 在第二次客户评估后的两周内, the client will receive a comprehensive report on their readiness to meet existing policy requirements or their readiness to begin looking for a new/different cyber insurance plan. 

  • 离职面谈: A final meeting is scheduled with the client to discuss our detailed cyber insurance report and determine if additional work is needed.

Moser的专业业务服务团队拥有这些知识, 经验, and certifications needed to provide guidance on the most complex IT processes and security measures across multiple industries. 了解mg官方游戏中心如何帮助您保护您的业务 在这里.




几乎所有商界人士都会告诉你, 有一个计划是成功的绝对必要条件. 但, what some people might not realize is that a business continuity/disaster recovery (BCDR) plan is important too. That’s why we’re taking a look at some of the basics of disaster recovery strategies  and what we at MG游戏登录网页 offer in the way of assistance as part of our IT infrastructure services! 让mg官方游戏中心开始吧.

Employees implementing their company's disaster recovery plan to fix a critical error on their computer systems